Ginger is the root or rhizome derived from Zingiber officinale, an herbaceous perennial plant that is cultivated as an annual. It is grown in many tropical and sub-tropical countries, although, it was believed to have originated in Southeast Asia. Most ginger is consumed in the country in which it is produced. Ginger is a major spice product entering the international trade. The international market is highly segmented in terms of both the end product and the source of supply, with three broad categories of ginger being traded: dried, preserved, and green (fresh). Dried ginger is by far the most important category and fresh ginger is the least important.

In Fiji, planting must be completed by the end of October and harvesting occurs from July to November. Ginger thrives in a high temperature/high rainfall environment but demands well-drained soils.

The Fiji Ginger Farmer and Marketing Association was formed in 2019 by the Fiji Crop and Livestock Council. The FGFMA is also registered with the Registry of the Ministry of Employment, Productivity, and Industrial Relations to represent the ginger farmers around Fiji to: –
✓ Advocate and represent the interests of its members,
✓ Improve capacity building and access to market information;
✓ Bridging the gap between the Ministry of Agriculture and other stakeholders in helping improve the economic livelihood of its members, alleviating poverty, sustaining production; and
✓ Becoming a competitive producer of ginger within the regional and global market.
✓ Represent the interest of the members to the Fiji government;
✓ Improve livelihood and enhance food and nutrition security for the members;
✓ Empower its members with proper skills and knowledge on the good agricultural practices (GAPs) for the cultivation of ginger, adaptation to climate change, and sustainable land management(SLM);
✓ Be compliant with the governance and policies binding the association; and
✓ Be compliant with the trade and Bio-security governance and policies.

Though the Ginger industry in the country is facing many drawbacks, ginger is still recognized as a significant product due to the potential the crop has for food, income, and employment opportunities it provides to the farmers.

Our Vision
Competitive ginger industry for sustainability, resilience, and improvement of

Our Mission
To be the best and most trustworthy Fiji Made branded ginger regionally and globally through
advocating and practicing Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Sustainable Land Management
(SLM), and good entrepreneurial skills.

Our Values

 • Respect and value for local knowledge and innovations
• Value for the environment and ecosystems
• Professional, effective, and informed by relevant science
• Creative, flexible, and innovative
• Sensitive to gender
• Quality, equality, and ethics
• Passion

Achievements so far

✓ Conducting training and workshops for ginger farmers from relevant stakeholders like MOA and FDB on GAPs, Financial Literacy, Value Chain, Contract Farming, and Cigar Box.
✓ Registration of members to the association.
✓ Linking ginger farmers with the demands from the market and negotiating with the market buying prices.
✓ New market for organic ginger farmers.
✓ Registration of the association to the Registrar of the Ministry of Employment, Productivity, and Industrial Relations.

✓ To improve livelihood and enhance food security;
✓ To empower present and new ginger farmers with skills and knowledge on the cultivation of ginger and adaptation to climate change;
✓ To revive the cultivation of yams in Fiji;
✓ To capture and encourage Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) in ginger cultivation;
✓ To encourage and include youths, women, and those with disabilities to engage in the cultivation of ginger;
✓ To be compliance with the governance and policies binding the association;
✓ To provide quality ginger seedlings.
✓ To be inclusive and enhance gender equality.

• Provide technical and advisory support services to the satisfaction of the members of the Fiji Ginger Farmers Association;
• Compliance with the trade policies;
• Advocate and build a network for securing trust, support, and corporative members;
• Registration of new members;
• Compliance with the governance and policies associated with the association.
• Provide quality ginger seedlings to ginger farmers.

• Organizing empowering and upskilling training in technical programs and compliance to trade policies for the members.
• Conduct awareness programs for the present and new members.
• Conduct registration of new ginger members.
• Organize ginger farmers for the provision of quality ginger seedlings.
• Conduct awareness on the governance and policies of the association.

The membership is open to any person who is currently planting ginger and those farmers who are interested in planting ginger.
The entrance fee for members of the Association shall be $50.00 and the subscription fee shall be $20.00 annually. The entrance fee and the subscription fee shall be non-refundable.

Members who are more than thirteen (13) weeks in arrears of subscription shall not be entitled to any Association benefits, nor will they be permitted to vote at any Association’s meeting. Members whose subscriptions are more than thirteen (13) weeks in arrears shall cease to be a member of the Association.
All members must abide by the rules of the Association. All intending new members have to apply by paying the Entry and Subscription fee and
filling out the FCLC Registration Form. The Registration Form can be obtained online or from the FCLC Office at the Ministry of Agriculture, Level 2 Hugh Robinson Complex, Grantham Road, Raiwaqa, Suva.

1. Mr. Josua Raitilava Nalewakalou (President) 9234686  |
2. Mr. Maan Bhorik (Vice President) 9932074
3. Mr. Mataiasi Dinavuso (General Secretary) 2702679  |
4. Mrs. Merewalesi Saitoro (Treasurer) 9896060  |
5. Mr. Lote Leva (Committee member) 2731397
6. Mr. Waisake Maseikula (Committee member) 9323934
7. Mr. Sakeasi Tivika (Committee member)
8. Mr. Naibuka Seduadua (Committee member)
9. Mr. Emosi Macawai (Committee member)

Please Note: – If you do have or face difficulties in contacting the Executive Committee members, do not hesitate to write to, to voice or express your concerns regarding fruits and vegetables cultivation, production, and marketing. 

Get in touch with the Fiji Ginger Farmers Association

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